Contact us

If you want to get in touch to discuss consultancy options with Close the Gap, or to seek guidance or support on any aspect of the CYPG tool, you can write, email or call us, or use the contact form below.

Close the Gap is Scotland’s leading expert on the gender pay gap. We’ve been working with employers and policymakers since 2001 to enable action that will address the causes of the gender pay gap. We provide expertise and creative solutions to a range of employers to enable their business to benefit from the gains of gender equality and diversity.

Close the Gap also works with national policymakers, providing insight and evidence to influence policy change that will tackle the barriers that women experience in the labour market. We can provide in-depth analysis and tailored support to your company, to help you to operationalise your action plan, or develop a bespoke initiative, and take effective action to close your pay gap. You can find out more in the Work with Us section.

Address: 166 Buchanan Street, Glasgow G1 2LW
Tel: 0141 572 4730

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